Regional Oximeter
On legacy regional oximeters, setting up the sensors in needlessly complicated and because the screen and device are one unit, the device must be accessible to the anesthesiologist making the data inaccessible for everyone else.
Design a table display so that it can be placed where it is visible to the entire OR, simplify the visual presentation so it is legible at a distance, and simplify the setup workflow so that clinicians don’t need to touch the screen.
A regional oximeter measure blood oxygen profusion at multiple locations in the body to ensure proper blood flow. Heart bypass surgery is the most common case. This is because the surgical team takes over the patient’s entire cardiovascular function, and so must monitor closely to ensure even flow throughout the body. Furthermore, this data is helpful to different people at different times, so group visibility is important.
The design was kept dark and colour palette relatively flat to keep it visually unobtrusive, but with sufficient contrast and size for the data to be easily discernible at a great distance.
To support group visibility mean mounting the display high and off to one side. This makes it hard to touch. So rather than a clinician telling the oximeter which sensors are placed where, the oximeters tells the clinician. Only in the rare case of overriding the instruction would someone need to touch the display.